North West Cancer Research – Dow Foundation Follow Up (8th November 2022)
North West Cancer Research was our highlight Dow Foundation award winner from 2022.
Formed in 1948 under the name of “the Friends of the Liverpool Radium Institute” the charity was made up of 26 dedicated volunteer fundraising groups across the region. Within 15 years of funding the group the group had funded £1 million pound and by 1996 this has soared to £10 million, funding life saving research across the North West and North Wales.
On the 8th November 2022, CEO Alistair Richards and Cara Newton (Head of Marketing and Fundraising) kindly gave members of the Dow Foundation a tour of the facilities where we met Professor Jason Parsons at the Ear, Nose and Throat research centre.
The tour was extremely informative, where Jason explained about the research that North West Cancer Research are helping fund, especially in the areas of proton beam therapy and how medicines interact with the therapy.
As many people, not just members of the Dow Foundation, are affected by cancer and it’s effects to individuals and families and friends choosing North West Cancer Research was something that the members felt passionate about and one that we were happy to fund in a small way.
So Why Did The Dow Foundation Choose North West Cancer Research For An Award?
The proposal that was presented to us from NWCR was very different than ones we had received from other proposals. Cara explained that the charity were looking to fund training sessions in local schools to explain about the effects and causes of cancer.
With the funding that was requested, NWCR advised they would be able to assist to provide training for up to 250 children between the ages of 3 and 14 in Liverpool and Sefton who would be able to participate in Labcoat Learning. This would have a significant impact on the future of health of the region for generations to come.
- The charity is focused on cancer research, something which is very close to many members of the Dow Foundation
- Focused at giving youngsters knowledge to help with making decisions to help lead a healthy life and reduce the chances of cancer in the future
- Provided funding to help a large group of individuals rather than a smaller group or single person
- Supporting a charity that is at the heart of the North West providing pioneering research into cancer
How Much Did The Dow Foundation Award NWCR And What Will It Be Used For?
NWCR were awarded a full award of £4900.
As outlined above the funding was to help fund labcoat learning sessions for schools across the North West.
How Did The Award Benefit NWCR?
As detailed in the report below, NWCR completed labcoat learning for 290 young people at Mab Lane School in Stockbridge Village, Liverpool.
Mab Lane is a school where the majority of pupils qualify for free school meals and they also have an above average number of pupils with special education needs.
Split over three sessions focusing on Sunsafety and Healthy Bodies, it gave the pupils the chance to learn about the effects of the sun and also what we eat to help them understand how to ensure that we limit the risks.
The understanding behind the course will give the children the knowledge for the future – helping not only themselves but also their families and friends as well.

Dow Foundation award to Cara Newton at North West Cancer Research